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Resume & Experience

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Click here to view and download my resume. 

Dickinson College
Education and Outreach Coordinator

Dickinson College Farm

May 2019-May 2020

In this position I will be working to connect the campus and Carlisle community to the Dickinson College Farm through programming, event planning, and educational opportunities. 


Sustainability Projects Intern 

Dickinson College Center for Sustainability Education (CSE)

​September 2018-December 2018 (part-time)

Coordinated a campus-wide EcoChallenge in competition with other higher education institutions where Dickinson saw the highest number of program participants compared to other institutions. Managed social media pages and assisted with event promotion, poster creation, and digital marketing.

Summer Sustainability Projects Intern

Dickinson College Center for Sustainability Education (CSE)

June 2018-August 2018 (full-time)

Managed and prepared sustainability programs and events to advance sustainability on campus. Assisted with applying for Bee Campus USA certification and tours for summer visitors. Created digital content and supported social media pages. Managed campus bee hives and created educational outreach materials related to beekeeping, biking, green living, and waste reduction. Co-led an experiential pre-orientation program for 18 incoming first-year students about place-based sustainability. 

Flowers growing outside a greenhouse at the Dickinson 
College Farm
Kaufman Hall where Dickinson's Center for Sustainability
Education is located

Work Experience Highlights

My summer co-intern Kristen and I 
filming at Dickinson's solar fields for a video we helped college
videographer Joe O'Neill with



Microsoft Word

Microsoft Powerpoint

Basic Microsoft Excel

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Spark 

Final Cut Pro


Social Media






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